Converting images to WebP recursively from command line

I recently found myself having to optimize several images, converting them from .jpeg to .webP. There’s an app I use for audio and video conversion via terminal: ffmpeg. I wondered if it would handle this image conversions as well, and as soon as I found it did I thought it would be a good idea to automate this task.

So, this was definitely a great candidate for a Bash script. I placed the script in the folder were the images were sitting and it took care of it in a matter of seconds. Sharing is caring:


# Function to convert images to WebP
convert_to_webp() {
    for file in "$1"/*; do
        if [ -d "$file" ]; then
            convert_to_webp "$file"  # Recursive call for directories
        elif [[ "$file" =~ \.(jpg|jpeg|png)$ ]]; then
            ffmpeg -i "$file" -c:v libwebp -q:v 80 "${file%.*}.webp"
            echo "Converted: $file to ${file%.*}.webp"

# Start conversion from the current directory
convert_to_webp "$(pwd)"

This will convert all .jpg, .jpeg and .png files in a given directory into .webP format. Just don’t forget to make it executable with chmod +x

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