Blog posts
Creating a shortcode for current year in WordPress
Just when I thought I had left WordPress behind, I recently found myself trying to figure out how to dynamically add the year on a copyright notice. There are many ways you can accomplish this. My favorite solution is by using shortcodes. However, I can’t believe that WordPress still doesn’t offer some basic shortcodes out-of-the-box, […]
Converting images to WebP recursively from command line
I recently found myself having to optimize several images, converting them from .jpeg to .webP. There’s an app I use for audio and video conversion via terminal: ffmpeg. I wondered if it would handle this image conversions as well, and as soon as I found it did I thought it would be a good idea […]
Using artificial intelligence to write a law article in Spanish
As a developer, I have quickly become best friends with artificial intelligence for my day-to-day tasks: developing new features, writing automated test, creating automated tasks, explaining obscure code written by others, reviewing and optimizing code, and more. Outside of work, I play around with AI to explore new ideas, perform research, and even help with […]
Adapting Vim movements (Lazyvim) to Colemak keyboard layout
TL;DR: I don’t recommend it. Use arrow keys instead. Movements in Vim are great for QWERTY keyboard layout: h(left), j(down), k(up) and l(right). If you are using Colemak layout this does not sound ideal. I switched to Colemak earlier in 2024. I was hesitant to remap these keys because I wasn’t sure if I would […]
Building a mechanical keyboard
Building mechanical keyboards is so much fun. Even though I own a few of them, I had never built one from scratch, until now. Let me share with you a few of the things I’ve learned since I started my journey into this hobby. There are many factors to consider when building a mechanical keyboard. […]
My Hour of Code YouTube Playlist
A few years ago I volunteered for Hour of Code. I visited my older son’s classroom, and it was rewarding to see all 25 first graders in the room deeply engaged in a coding activity. We also watched some videos. Here’s the playlist.
Two Great Coding Books for Kids
Earlier this year, when I started teaching programming to my kids (4 and 6 yrs old at the time of this writing), I was not sure where to start because you need to translate lots of knowledge that is usually targeted for adults into kid friendly language. I found these two books that really helped […]